Out of Yarn? Why You Should Never Unravel!

Out of Yarn? Why You Should Never Unravel!

Have you ever been in a situation where you could not complete a project because in the middle of crocheting or knitting you discover that the yarn basket is empty and you now need additional skeinsto continue?

If you can nod in recognition of that, then keep reading and see how you can proceed - and avoid unravelling your hard work!

You are probably thinking that the obvious solution to the problem is to buy more yarn. And if that's possible, then of course you should. But sometimes it isn't an option.

When you can't buy more of the same yarn because:

        ● You knit or crochet from a specific dye lot

        ● The yarn is something that you have had lying around since the dawn of time and it's no longer available

        ● You have removed the labels and now you are unsure of the yarn's name, brand and the color number.

Don't fret, I have discovered some solutions that can save your project 👇

Adjust the hook/needle size

One of the tips that you should try first is to switch to a smaller knitting needle - or crochet hook - when you notice that you do not have enough yarn. A half or full size can actually make a big difference. If you already crochet/knit very tightly, you can easily go down one size. Remember to crochet/knit loosely to match the current gauge.

I recommend the wonderful Clover Soft Touch Crochet Hooks. They have a perfect grip and are available in many sizes

Contrasts are the new black!

When you are almost done with your work, add an edge in a contrasting color. The result can actually be really nice. A contrasting edge may not be exactly your plan, but you can easily get away with it! I have faced the same problem myself and here I chose to make the last rows in a different color. It looked like it was on purpose and certainly did not look like I had run out of yarn! 😉 If you need to make a contrasting edge in cotton, you should try Rainbow which is available in 100 different colors.

Is the dye lot causing you problems?

It can be difficult to find the same dye lot as the yarn that you ran out of. Often the difference between batches will be quite obvious. Sometimes you may be lucky and it won't matter so much, especially if your work consists of several different colors. If that's the case you can hide the color difference among the other colors – e.g. if your project consists of stripes.

You may be lucky enough to find the correct dye lot. Try calling the company where you bought the yarn and ask them to check the dye lot on the skeins they have in stock.

Be creative!

If the yarn is discontinued and it is impossible to find a match, then you need to think creatively. Do you have any yarn that matches in color but not in weight? Fortunately, it can be fixed – some instances are easier than others. The ideal scenario is that the yarn you use is very thick, and the yarn that matches the color is very thin - then you can simply continue the work with double thread. When you use two strands of the thin yarn, you may be able to make it match the weight of the original yarn. Even if there is a small difference in weight, it will rarely be something noticable. Alternatively, you can adjust the hook/needle size to fit what you have already crocheted or knitted.

I prefer knitting needles that are ergonomic. Prym Ergonomic Straight Knitting Needles and circular needles are my absolute favorites.

Is the "replacement yarn" too thick?

If the yarn is too thick, you can split it apart. Yarn consists of several strands that are spun together. For example, 8/8 cotton has twice as many strands as 8/4 cotton. This allows you to use yarn of the correct weight. Use only the number of strands that correspond to the thickness of the yarn you have run out of. I know it can be a massive job if it's a whole skein or more! I have done it myself at the end of a project that I was too stubborn to give up on! Therefore, I recommend it as an emergency solution - unless you are a very patient person 😉

Think long term!

Unfortunately, my last proposal is more a piece of advice for the future than a "here and now solution". If you have thrown away the label and you do not know what kind of yarn you have on your hands, then good advice is expensive. In the future you can save the label with a small piece of yarn around it. I make it clear to myself by writing on the label which project the yarn belongs to. I have once before stood with 3 labels with dark blue yarn, but I could not figure out which one matched the blanket I was working on. You can also store the label with the project to ensure that you will never be in doubt. It is also good for when you run out of yarn and need to buy more.

Hindsight is 20/20 and I know it won't solve the problem you are facing right now, but I'm sure your future self will thank you if you start saving the labels today! I hope you have been inspired to solve all of your current and future challenges 😀



Josefine, Hobbii


P.s. You can also ask in your crochet or knitting community if anyone is in possession of the yarn that you are looking for...


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