
How to choose yarn based on the English yarn categories

How to choose yarn based on the English yarn categories

You have found the pattern of the sweater of your dreams, however, the recommended yarn is not available, and the only information about the yarn is a yarn category you do not know. Fear not! This blog post will guide you to the perfect alternative.

How to stiffen your projects - shape and form

How to stiffen your projects - shape and form

I have researched a bit and found a few different guides to get your project to keep its shape the way you want it.

6 great tips for keeping your knitting and crochet good looking for years

6 hyvÀÀ vinkkiÀ, joiden avulla sÀilytÀt neulotut ja virkatut työsi kauniina vuosia

Kuinka voi varmistaa, ettÀ suuri työ sÀilyy parhaana mahdollisimman pitkÀÀn? Siihen perehdymme tÀmÀn blogijulkaisun parissa, jotta virkkuu- ja neuletyösi tuottavat iloa vielÀ monia vuosia.

5 tips when working in faux fur yarn

5 turkislanka-vinkkiÀ

Turkislankoja on monessa eri laadussa ja vÀrissÀ, mutta niitÀ yhdistÀÀ se, ettÀ niillÀ voi joskus olla hieman vaikea neuloa tai virkata. Suoraan sanottuna, turkislanka ei ole lanka vasta-alkajille. Jos tahdot haastaa itsesi, sitÀ kannattaa ehdottomasti koittaa.

How to defeat knots in yarn

NÀin taistelet lankakerÀn solmuja vastaan

Voi ei! Upo-uudessa lankakerÀssÀ koreilee heti ilkeÀ solmu, jota et itse saa selvitettyÀ. TÀssÀ blogijulkaisussa tahdon kertoa, miten solmut muodostuvat, ja erityisesti; mitÀ niille kuuluu tehdÀ.

Out of Yarn? Why You Should Never Unravel!

Out of Yarn? Why You Should Never Unravel!

Have you ever been in a situation where you can't complete a project because in the middle of crocheting or knitting you discover that the yarn basket is empty and you need additional skeins to continue?