Join Us for the Most Colorful Make-Along of the Year

Join Us for the Most Colorful Make-Along of the Year

#NoShadesOfGreyMAL is a Mystery Make-Along for anyone who loves color. The British designer Katie Jones is the talented designer behind the secret pattern, which will be published in 6 parts. The Make-Along kicks off on March 16, and you can already order your kit. Here are the 10 most commonly asked questions about the Make-Along. 

Are you a huge fan of colors? And preferably as many as possible? Then you should definitely join us this March and April when we embark on a secret project adventure - a Mystery Make-Along called #NoShadesOfGreyMAL.

We don’t know much about it yet, but we can reveal this much: the project is going to be a fun and vibrant cardigan! It’s designed by the British knit and crochet designer Katie Jones, who will also be guiding you through the process. She’s known for her great love of colors and patterns, and we dare say that you won’t be disappointed if you love all the colors of the rainbow.

Psst! Read more about Katie Jones here.

Katie created two designs: One for the crocheter and one for the knitter. That means you can work on this secret project with your best crafting friend - even though one of you might prefer knitting and the other loves crocheting. Isn’t that wonderful? 

Sign up for our Make-Along:

>> US - Click here <<

>> UK - Click here <<

>> EU - Click here <<

Not sure if this is your kind of thing? In this blog post, we will be answering the following questions:

  1. What is a MAL?
  2. What is a Mystery MAL?
  3. Can I choose whether I want to knit or crochet?
  4. What level of knitter or crocheter should I be in order to participate?
  5. What is in the kit?
  6. How much does the kit cost?
  7. Which size should I choose?
  8. When is the #NoShadesOfGreyMAL?
  9. How do I participate?
  10. Can I win anything?

1. What is a MAL?

MAL stands for ‘Make Along’. This MAL is a combined crochet and knitting challenge where you will get a new piece of the pattern sent to you every Thursday over a six-week period, after which you will hopefully finish your project.

A Make-Along is a great way to crochet or knit a project alongside other yarn lovers.

And it’s also a great opportunity to challenge yourself. You might learn some new techniques or try working on a project in a completely new way.


2. What is a Mystery MAL?


A Mystery MAL is a Make-Along where the final design is kept secret until you’ve received all the different pieces of the pattern.

This means you’ll be working on a surprise project that will slowly unfold before your eyes as you knit or crochet. So exciting!

However, this Mystery MAL isn’t a complete secret 😉 We can reveal this much - you will be working with no less than 10 different colors. And you get to choose whether you want to knit or crochet.

Psst! Are you curious? Check out our blog post, where the designer, Katie Jones, shares a secret or two about the design. Find it here.

3. Can I choose whether I want to knit or crochet?

You bet! You decide whether you want to work your knitting needles or your crochet hook. Katie Jones, the talented designer behind this MAL, created two patterns: One for cozy crocheters and one for knitting enthusiasts.

Both patterns have been split into 6 parts, and the finished cardigans will be almost identical regardless of whether they’re knit or crocheted.

Buy the crochet kit here ➔

Buy the knitting kit here ➔

4. What level of knitter or crocheter should I be in order to participate?

The patterns for both designs are somewhat beginner-friendly, but you should be familiar with basic knitting/crochet techniques before you give this Make-Along a try. Patterns are written in US terms.

Katie Jones will guide you through your chosen pattern with photos and video tutorials. The patterns will be using some slightly more advanced techniques, but with Katie's help, you will learn these as you work your way through the MAL.

Have a question and couldn’t find the answer? One of the best things about a Make-Along is that you’re never alone. You’re just one of many yarn-loving people working on the same project at the same time, and other people may have the same questions as you. That’s why we made a Facebook group where you can help each other out and share tips and tricks. 

Go to the Facebook group ➔

5. What is in the kit?

The MAL kit will be available for purchase from February 9, 2023. There will be a limited number of kits.

The kit contains the yarn you will need to knit or crochet your #NoShadesOfGreyMAL cardigan. The crochet kit contains a nice and soft wool yarn, while the knitting kit contains a mix of cotton and wool yarn.

Psst! The kit contains nothing but yarn. You will need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools at home. Check out what you will need here: Crochet kit / Knitting kit.

There’s only one color option - but it includes no less than 10 different colors!

6. How much does the kit cost?

The cardigan can be knit or crocheted in three different sizes, and the prices vary accordingly.

The prices of the crochet kit are:

  • Size no. 1: 57 € / ÂŁ52 / $66.
  • Size no. 2: 76 € / ÂŁ69 / $87.
  • Size no. 3: 99 € / ÂŁ90 / $114.

The prices for the knitting kit are:

  • Size no. 1: 99 € / ÂŁ89 / $114.
  • Size no. 2: 110 € / ÂŁ100 / $127.
  • Size no. 3: 139 € / ÂŁ126 / $160.

7. Which size should I choose?

The fit of the cardigan is slightly oversized and boxy.

You can choose between the following sizes:

  • Size no. 1 corresponds to XS-M.
  • Size no. 2 corresponds to L-2XL.
  • Size no. 3 corresponds to 3XL-5XL. 

We recommend that you check your measurements first. Find the measurements for the crochet pattern here and for the knitting pattern here.

If you’re in-between sizes, you should consider whether you want a closer-fitting or looser cardigan.

8. When is the #NoShadesOfGreyMAL?

You should have your crochet hooks or knitting needles ready on March 16. The pattern will be published in 6 parts over a six-week period. That way, you will have enough time to knit or crochet a small part of the pattern before we get started on the next one.

Get ready for Thursday to become your new favorite day! Because the new pattern pieces will be published every Thursday.

Get an overview of the project here:

Add these six dates to your calendar and get ready for the most exciting Make-Along this year!

9. How do I participate?

You can buy your kit right here.

Remember to sign up. Then we’ll make sure that the pattern pieces are sent directly to your inbox each week.

Sign up here:

>> US - Click here <<

>> UK - Click here <<

>> EU - Click here <<

10. Can I win anything?

YES! What’s a Make-Along without a contest 😄

Post a photo of your finished MAL cardigan on Facebook or Instagram, and you might just become the lucky winner of a 69 € // £63 // $79 gift card. We will find 10 lucky winners on Monday, May 1, 2023.

Don’t forget to tag @hobbii_yarn and @katiejonesknit and use the hashtag #NoShadesOfGreyMAL.

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